Before we knew it (even though the news reporter had warned us with some very cheap graphics and some over dramatic words) the heavens opened and deposited so much snow that traffic came to a standstill, 20 minutes journeys turned into two hour tours of survival. The stuff just kept on coming, and combined with the freezing temperatures - the roads did turn out as treacherousness as the weather man had foretold.
During the night the heavens decided to dump some more on us and the news reporters of course loved it - more dramatic stories of knife-jacked lorries blocking motorway exits, causing enormous tailbacks. Abandoned cars, causing dangerous obstructions all over town, with other cars sliding into the ones left in the road - crazy times.
The schools had to close down as staff nor kids could possibly make it to the premises in a safe manner. Kids happy, parents less so. Sledges, wellies, hats, gloves and scarves came out and the kids went their happy way into the white yonder. Than it hot me, how come adults can not adopt the attitudes of their younger fellow human beings. Why not enjoy that which can not be changed .. we were warned it was coming. Have we as adults forgotten how much we used to love snowball fights and creating creatures slightly resembling snowmen? Are we so caught up with the work ethos that we do not know to enjoy the snow days .. with our kids.
I read on one Facebook post (as almost all statuses mentioned the horror and the joys of the newly heralded ice age) how one mum was informed that she had her client list cancelled and how she was given the day of, and in her words: School just text, closed tomorrow!! My birthday will be a snowday with my family!! That's the spirit, surely we could all adopt that for the few days a year (even though snow costs the economy millions) you can not put a price on family time, family joy, family togetherness. Enjoy yours, whilst you still can.
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